Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Dentists: The Ultimate Equalizers

If you are a teacher, you have been to every medical professional in your and your childrens' lives in the past month. After the school year starts, there is no room for bathroom trips, let alone medical appointments. Today was my second dental appointment, due to a cracked tooth and poorly installed filling that was trapping food between my teeth and causing extreme sensitivity to cold. Are you cringing yet? Fun fact: my cracked tooth was probably caused by a "pointy tooth" above the cracked one.
After 4 shots of novacaine and as much gas as the hygienist could be persuaded to give, the drilling began. The dentist, who really does a great job, says, "I'll be drilling out an old metal filling and some of those pieces can really fly, so could you close your eyes?" Ok, no big deal, right?? If you've ever closed your eyes while on laughing gas, you know that this is,in fact, kind of a big deal. Hello, lala land! The room was spinning like it was 1999. Of course, given a choice between being blinded by flying shards of metal and being a little dizzy, I kept my eyes wide shut!
Two hours later...yeah, I said two hours, I was given instructions to not eat anything chewy for 24 hours and drove home to drink beer through a straw.
Dentists are the great equalizers. They reduce everyone to drooling, incoherent lip-chewers. (note to self: do NOT chew your lip while it's numb...major regrets will occur). You can show up to the dentist with your make-up done, cutest "errand-running" mom outfit on, feeling like a million bucks, and you, along with everyone else in the waiting room, will leave with rumpled hair, smeared make-up, and some sort of white substance caked on your mouth. You think Heidi Klum looks good after a root canal? Think again.

Next: stay tuned for a day in the life of a mom with 3 girls, haircuts, and bts shopping.